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What to Expect: Eating Well When You re Expecting 2nd Edition - Paperback

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What to Expect: Eating Well When You re Expecting 2nd Edition - Paperback
Product Description

Eat well--for two! \ Once again What to Expect Delivers! Heidi s go-to guide takes the guesswork out of feeding yourself and your baby serving up a healthy and realistic plan to fit every lifestyle and eating style. It s eating for two made easy fun... and delicious.\ --Joy Bauer MS RD CDN best-selling author host of NBC S Health and Happiness and nutrition expert for the Today show This brand new edition of America s pregnancy food bible covers it all through those nine months of baby-making and beyond: the latest facts on superfoods food trends food safety. Foods to chow down on foods (and drinks) to limit and those to cut out altogether. Realistic body-positive advice and savvy strategies on how to eat well when you re too green to come face-to-fork with broccoli. Or too bloated to eat at all. Or on the run. Or on the job. Whether you re a red-meat eater or a vegan a carb craver or a gluten-free girl a fast-foodie or a slow cooker. Whether you re hungry for nutritional facts (which vitamins and minerals the pregnant body needs and where to find them) or just plain hungry. Plus how to put it all together easily and tastily with dozens of practical tips and 170 recipes that are as delicious as they are nutritious as easy to love as they are to make. Answers to all questions: Do I have to skip my morning latte--or afternoon energy drink? I m too sick to look at a salad never mind eat one--do I have to? How do I get enough calcium if I m lactose intolerant? Help! I m entering my second trimester and I m losing weight not gaining. What can I do? I ve never been a big water drinker and now I m supposed to down 10 8-ounce glasses a day! How? Turns out it s twins--do I have to eat twice as much?

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March 4, 2025

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