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4 results for Deep Water Culture 3 and 5 Gallon Bucket Baskets

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4 results for Deep Water Culture 3 and 5 Gallon Bucket Baskets
Product Description

the many holes in the bottom of these pots promote healthy roots with even drainage. letting the roots grow their own way down through the pot allows for bigger healthier roots. these pots work with any kind of media -- hydroponics or soil-based and are reusable and easy to clean. the comfortably-sized lip along the top of these containers making them easy to grab lift and transport. these containers also serve as lids for our other plastic buckets. place one of these wide lip buckets inside another one hook up your water system and nutrients and start a hydroponic garden anywhere. SKU:ADIB00KCPJ5WC

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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