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Daily Reading Comprehension Daily Reading Comprehension Grade 7 Teacher Edition (Paperback)

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Daily Reading Comprehension Daily Reading Comprehension Grade 7 Teacher Edition (Paperback)
Product Description

Help your seventh grade students learn how to understand respond to and enjoy what they read! Daily Reading Comprehension presents students with 30 weeks of direct instruction and practice of the comprehension strategies and skills they need to become strong and successful readers What s Inside: 150 original fiction and nonfiction passages with comprehension items help you engage students in reading thinking about and responding to a variety of texts. Reproducible visual aid pages help students apply reading skills to the passages they read. Follow-up activities for each passage in an exam format - Students to practice important test-taking skills while they strengthen comprehension. Grade 7 covers the following readingcomprehension skills and strategies: Skills: Theme Evaluate Evidence Character and Setting Main Idea and Details Visual Information Author s Purpose Prediction Make Inferences Cause and Effect Compare and Contrast Nonfiction Text Features Sequence Strategies: Monitor Comprehension Make Connections Visualization Organization Determine Important Information Ask Questions You ll love Daily Reading Comprehension because it... provides students with direct instruction and practice of reading skills and strategies. supports struggling and reluctant readers. integrates easily into any language program and any classroom. works great for test prep. is correlated to current standards. Engage your students in reading thinking about and responding to a variety of passages and texts with Daily Reading Comprehension! About Evan-Moor A leader in PreK-8 educational publishing Evan-Moor has been a trusted partner of teachers and parents for over 40 years. Our mission is helping children learn and we do this by creating resources that motivate children to learn important skills and concepts across the curriculum while also inspiring a love of learning.

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December 2, 2024

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