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The Self-Regulation of Health and Illness Behaviour (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Self-Regulation of Health and Illness Behaviour (Paperback)
Product Description

Self-regulation theory focuses on the ways in which individuals direct and monitor their activities and emotions in order to attain their goals. It plays an increasingly important role in health psychology research. The Self-regulation of Health and Illness Behaviour presents an up-to-date account of the latest developments in the field. Individual contributions cover a wide range of issues including representational beliefs about chronic illness cultural influences on illness representations the role of anxiety and defensive denial in health-related experiences and behaviours the contribution of personality and the social dynamics underlying gender differences in adaptation to illness. Particular attention is given to the implications for designing effective health interventions and messages. Integrating theoretical and empirical developments this text provides both researchers and professionals with a comprehensive review of self-regulation and health.

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March 4, 2025

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