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Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics: Sample Size Calculations for Clustered and Longitudinal Outcomes in Clinical Research (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics: Sample Size Calculations for Clustered and Longitudinal Outcomes in Clinical Research (Hardcover)
Product Description

Accurate sample size calculation ensures that clinical studies have adequate power to detect clinically meaningful effects. This results in the efficient use of resources and avoids exposing a disproportionate number of patients to experimental treatments caused by an overpowered study. Sample Size Calculations for Clustered and Longitudinal Outcomes in Clinical Research explains how to determine sample size for studies with correlated outcomes which are widely implemented in medical epidemiological and behavioral studies. The book focuses on issues specific to the two types of correlated outcomes: longitudinal and clustered. For clustered studies the authors provide sample size formulas that accommodate variable cluster sizes and within-cluster correlation. For longitudinal studies they present sample size formulas to account for within-subject correlation among repeated measurements and various missing data patterns. For multiple levels of clustering the level at which to perform randomization actually becomes a design parameter. The authors show how this can greatly impact trial administration analysis and sample size requirement. Addressing the overarching theme of sample size determination for correlated outcomes this book provides a useful resource for biostatisticians clinical investigators epidemiologists and social scientists whose research involves trials with correlated outcomes. Each chapter is self-contained so readers can explore topics relevant to their research projects without having to refer to other chapters.

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March 4, 2025

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