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The Panem Companion : An Unofficial Guide to Suzanne Collins Hunger Games From Mellark Bakery to Mockingjays (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Panem Companion : An Unofficial Guide to Suzanne Collins Hunger Games From Mellark Bakery to Mockingjays (Paperback)
Product Description

Go deeper into the home of the Hunger Games with the creator of the best-known fan map of Panem - What does Panem look like? - How does Panem define race? - How do Panem s districts reflect the major themes of the trilogy? - What allusions to our world are found in Panem names like Finnick Johanna Beetee Cinna Everdeen and Mellark? The Panem Companion gives fresh insight into Suzanne Collins trilogy by looking at the world of the Hunger Games and the forces that kept its citizens divided since the First Rebellion. With a blend of academic insight and true fan passion V. Arrow explores how Panem could have evolved from the America we know today and uses textual clues to piece together Panem s beliefs about class ethnicity culture gender sexuality and more. Includes an extensive name lexicon and color-illustrated unofficial map

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March 11, 2025

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