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Bright Eyes, Brown Skin (Paperback)

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Product Name
Bright Eyes, Brown Skin (Paperback)
Product Description

A poem extolling the beauty of African-American children forms the basis for celebration of a positive self-image. Four attractive children engage in typical kindergarten pastimes as the rhyming text rhapsodizes about their dimpled chins, "teeth that glisten," and "very special hair and clothes." Whereas building self-esteem and acknowledging children's charms are commendable goals, they are not enough to build a book upon. Yes, these boys and girls are appealing, but they are so unusually cooperative and cheerful, smiling nonstop throughout the pages of this slim volume, that real live children, with all of the emotions and moods that are a part of being human, may have difficulty relating to them. School Library Journal

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Last updated
September 23, 2024

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