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Morganville Vampires Black Dawn Book 12 (Paperback)

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Product Name
Morganville Vampires Black Dawn Book 12 (Paperback)
Product Description

With its eclectic mix of vampire and human citizens Morganville Texas has always been a risky place to call home. But with the invasion of the vampire s deadliest enemy Morganville isn t just in danger--it s dying... Ever since the draug--mysterious creatures that prey on vampires--took over Morganville the lives of student Claire Danvers and her friends have been thrown into turmoil. Most of the town s residents have evacuated but Claire Shane Eve and Michael have chosen to stay and fight. Using the city s water system to spread the draug have rapidly multiplied. Things in Morganville look grim especially since vampire Amelie--the town founder--has been infected by the master draug s bite. Now if Claire and her friends don t figure out how to cure Amelie and defeat the draug it looks like Morganville will become little more than a ghost town...

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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