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5.5 oz Sashco 13013 Clear Lexel Synthetic Rubber Sealant

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Product Name
5.5 oz Sashco 13013 Clear Lexel Synthetic Rubber Sealant
Product Description

Lexel is the tough elastic sealant for every interior and exterior job. It has superior adhesion to almost any surface wet or dry and is instantly waterproof! Lexel is extremely elastic and has 747% maximum joint movement so it won’t crack over time meaning you only need to do a job once. It is paintable sticks to itself and is crystal clear. In fact it is 19 times clearer than silicone and won’t yellow or get cloudy over time. Best yet you never have to worry about leaving Lexel in your truck or garage since it is permanently freeze‐thaw stable. After all no one likes to waste a tube of sealant. Lexel truly is the only sealant you need in your toolbox and it won’t let you down.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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