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Loctite Super Glue Plastics Bonder 1-0.14 oz Activator Stick + 1-0.07 oz Glue Tube Clear 0.21 oz Kit

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Product Name
Loctite Super Glue Plastics Bonder 1-0.14 oz Activator Stick + 1-0.07 oz Glue Tube Clear 0.21 oz Kit
Product Description

For invisible repairs to difficult-to-bond plastics like polyethylene polypropylene and Polytetrafluoroethylene Loctite Super Glue Plastics Bonding System gets the job done. Loctite Plastics Bonding System is a two-part cyanoacrylate adhesive that sets in seconds dries transparent and successfully bonds plastics with no mixing or clamping required. Resistant to water most chemicals and even freezing temperatures Loctite Super Glue Plastics Bonding System delivers truly tremendous strength in just a single drop. Each order includes one 4ml activator for priming and one 2g tube of super glue. Product color is Clear. Product comes in a 0.21 oz Kit.

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Last updated
March 8, 2025

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