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Masochism (Paperback)

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Masochism (Paperback)
Product Description

In his stunning essay Coldness and Cruelty Gilles Deleuze provides a rigorous and informed philosophical examination of the work of late nineteenth-century German novelist Leopold von Sacher-Masoch. Deleuze s essay certainly the most profound study yet produced on the relations between sadism and masochism seeks to develop and explain Masoch s peculiar way of desexualizing love while at the same time sexualizing the entire history of humanity. He shows that masochism is something far more subtle and complex than the enjoyment of pain that masochism has nothing to do with sadism: their worlds do not communicate just as the genius of those who created them -- Masoch and Sade -- lie stylistically philosophically and politically poles apart. Venus in Furs the most famous of Masoch s novels belongs to an unfinished cycle of works that Masoch entitled The Heritage of Cain. The cycle was to treat a series of themes including love war and death. The present work is about love. Although the entire constellation of symbols that has come to characterize the masochistic syndrome can be found here -- fetishes whips disguises fur-clad women contracts humiliations punishment and always the volatile presence of a terrible coldness -- these received associations do not eclipse the truly singular and surprising power of Masoch s eroticism.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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