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Pre-Owned Field Guide to Irish Fairies (Hardcover) 0862816343 9780862816346

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Product Name
Pre-Owned Field Guide to Irish Fairies (Hardcover) 0862816343 9780862816346
Product Description

What is your best defense against a phosphorescent land sheerie? Can you really find contentment with a wealthy merrow wife? The answers are disclosed at last in A Field Guide to Irish Fairies the first and only such guide available. Expertly researched and compiled by an authority on the subject with detailed illustrations to help wayfarers identify the 13 major varieties of these elusive fairy folk of the Emerald Isle this pocket-size volume is indispensible both in the field and back in the (relative) safety of hearth and home. With information on habitat history and fairy customs at their fingertips readers will be well prepared for encounters with saucy leprechauns kindly grogochs and even headless dullahans. A word to the wise: Take it along or take your chances

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February 10, 2025

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