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Pre-Owned Carry the Fire (Audiobook)

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Product Name
Pre-Owned Carry the Fire (Audiobook)
Product Description

Worship Mob: Identity (who we are in Chirst) Unity (one body many churches) and Freedom (without agenda).Hailing from Colorado Springs Colorado Worship Mob was formed by founder Sean Mulholland and co-leader Garrett Chynoweth almost 4 years ago. What started as a gathering betweentwo local worship teams has now grown into weekly Thursday night meetingsof 70-80 people representing over 25 churches. They meet together to support and pray for one another their churches and their community. Worship Mob longs for the Church to be unified & believes that God speaks through His people. Their main goals are to encourage creativity edify through scripture and encourage one another to lead from the heart. YouTube has proven to be a huge platform for Worship Mob generating over 8 million views of original songs and theis covers of songs from Jesus Culture All Sons & Daughters and Hillsong. Worship Mobs are starting to form throughout the world including: Cleveland Dallas and NYC in the U.S. along with Rwanda Bali the Philippines and Australia. Carry the Fire the Worship Mob s debut release on Integrity Music will consist of 12 tracks including some of their most popular cover songs and original compositions that reflect their heart for unified creative & passionate expressions of worship. GTIN 768632321

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Last updated
February 18, 2025

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