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Periplus Travel Guides: Borobudur: Golden Tales of the Buddhas (Paperback)

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Product Name
Periplus Travel Guides: Borobudur: Golden Tales of the Buddhas (Paperback)
Product Description

With vivid photography and insightful commentary this travel pictorial shines a light on the Buddhist art and architecture of Borobudur. The glorious ninth-century Buddhist stupa of Borobudur--the largest Buddhist monument in the world--stands in the midst of the lush Kedu Plain of Central Java in Indonesia where it is visited annually by over a million people. Borobudur contains more than a thousand exquisitely carved relief panels extending along its many terraces for a total distance of more than a kilometer. These are arranged so as to take the visitor on a spiritual journey to enlightenment and one ascends the monument past scenes depicting the world of desire the life story of Buddha and the heroic deeds of other enlightened beings--finally arriving at the great circular terraces at the top of the structure that symbolizes the formless world of pure knowledge and perfection.

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March 4, 2025

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