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The Worlds of Women Series: Confronting Rape and Sexual Assault (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Worlds of Women Series: Confronting Rape and Sexual Assault (Paperback)
Product Description

So serious are the topics of rape and sexual assault that the mere discussion of them is often avoided. In this book Mary Odem and Jody Clay-Warner examine the complex and painful issue of sexual violence from various perspectives including sociology criminology anthropology public health and women s studies. The inclusion of personal accounts from women who have been raped or threatened by rape makes this collection particularly accessible compelling and powerful. An essay details one woman s long struggle as a rape survivor a poem describes the fear of rape and society s treatment of the victim and a sonnet traces the journey from victim to survivor. Not only does this invaluable collection define and examine the prevalence of rape and sexual assault but it analyzes social and institutional factors that contribute to their occurrence and provides strategies for prevention and change.

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March 4, 2025

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