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Grapefruit & Lemongrass Foaming Sea Bath Salt Soak - Coarse Grain - 15 lbs

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Product Name
Grapefruit & Lemongrass Foaming Sea Bath Salt Soak - Coarse Grain - 15 lbs
Product Description

Combine the benefits of a sea salt bath, with the luxury of a bubble bath...together in one package. It's hard to find the time for a bath as it is, so when you do, you want to ensure you have the right bath salts on hand for making it a real treat. We give you Salt Infusions. Bursting with fragrance, color and bubbles, these all natural Mediterranean Sea salt infusions will nourish your mind, body and soul. This mineral-rich sea salt softens skin and turns any bath into a restorative spa bubble treatment. Sprinkling a handful of these fragrant laced colorful bath salts into your bath is like drinking a warm cup of milk before bed – utterly comforting and relaxing. With over 30 bubble infused fragrances you are sure to find a bath-time treat.

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Last updated
November 5, 2024

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