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Family Library (Hardcover): It s So Amazing!: A Book about Eggs Sperm Birth Babies and Families (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Family Library (Hardcover): It s So Amazing!: A Book about Eggs Sperm Birth Babies and Families (Hardcover)
Product Description

With honesty accuracy humor and warmth IT S SO AMAZING offers children the real information they need--now more than ever. How does a baby begin? What makes a baby female or male? Why are some babies twins? How is a baby adopted? Children sure have lots of questions about reproduction and babies--and about sex and sexuality too. IT S SO AMAZING! provides the fascinating answers--with fun accurate comic-book style artwork and a clear lively text that reflects an elementary-school child s interest in science and how things work. Throughout the book a curious Bird and a squeamish Bee help tell the AMAZING story of how a baby is made--from the moment an egg and sperm join through pregnancy to birth. IT S SO AMAZING! also addresses in a reassuring and age-appropriate way related topics such as love sex gender families heterosexuality homosexuality sexual abuse and HIV and AIDS--while giving children a healthy understanding of their bodies. Robie H. Harris and Michael Emberley author and illustrator of IT S PERFECTLY NORMAL: CHANGING BODIES GROWING UP SEX AND SEXUAL HEALTH created IT S SO AMAZING! in response to requests from parents educators librarians and health professionals for a book that would address a younger child s concerns. Vetted and approved by science health and child development experts this comprehensive forthright and funny book is just what children need--to provide answers to their questions and to keep them safe healthy and unafraid.

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Last updated
February 25, 2025

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