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Beka Cooper Mastiff Book 03 (Paperback)

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Beka Cooper Mastiff Book 03 (Paperback)
Product Description

A New York Times bestseller from the fantasy author who is legend herself: TAMORA PIERCE. In the final book in the Beka Cooper Trilogy Beka uses her unique magic and street smarts to crack the case that will change an empire! The more secret the Hunt the more dangerous the mission. Sometimes a distraction arrives at just the right time. After suffering a terrible loss Beka is grateful when Lord Gershom calls on her with a top-secret Hunt. He informs Beka that she and her scent hound Achoo are the best team for the job but he won t tell her anything else. And when the pair is joined by a wide-eyed young mage who seems too green to be on a case of such importance it becomes clear that threats lurk around every corner. Soon they are wading deep into a world of power corruption and betrayal that threatens the Tortall royal family. Beka must decide whom she can trust with her country s future . . . and her life. The Beka Cooper Trilogy introduces an amazing young woman who is the ancestor of one of Tamora Pierce s most popular characters: George Cooper. Here Pierce gives fans exactly what they want--a smart savvy heroine making a name for herself on the mean streets of Tortall s Lower City--while offering plenty to appeal to new readers as well! \ Tamora Pierce s books shaped me not only as a young writer but also as a young woman. She is a pillar an icon and an inspiration. Cracking open one of her marvelous novels always feels like coming home.\ --SARAH J. MAAS #1 New York Times bestselling author \ Tamora Pierce didn t just blaze a trail. Her heroines cut a swath through the fantasy world with wit strength and savvy. Her stories still lead the vanguard today. Pierce is the real lioness and we re all just running to keep pace.\ --LEIGH BARDUGO #1 New York Times bestselling author

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March 5, 2025

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