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Pre-Owned Contemporary Clinical Immunology and Serology (Hardcover 9780135104248) by Kate Rittenhouse-Olson Ernesto Denardin

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Product Name
Pre-Owned Contemporary Clinical Immunology and Serology (Hardcover 9780135104248) by Kate Rittenhouse-Olson Ernesto Denardin
Product Description

Pre-Owned - This complete up-to-date introduction to immunology takes students from basic vocabulary through common immunoassays to closer consideration of the specific diseases that require immunologic methods of diagnosis. CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY AND SEROLOGY presents today s newest professional techniques thoroughly preparing students to work in modern clinical immunology laboratories understand the data generated there and apply the conclusions to deliver superior patient care. Full-color charts and illustrations engage students and enhance comprehension and the text s content has been extensively classroom-tested. It contains the most up-to-date information to accurately reflect what in done in the clinical immunology laboratory. Every chapter contains review and critical thinking questions as well as a detailed case study.

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March 4, 2025

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