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Bar Review Strategies & Tactics for the MBE (Paperback)

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Product Name
Bar Review Strategies & Tactics for the MBE (Paperback)
Product Description

This new edition of Strategies & Tactics for the MBE has been carefully revised by Steve Emanuel and is full of up-to-date advice on how to analyze Multistate Bar Exam (MBE) questions in all MBE subject areas (Civil Procedure Constitutional Law Contracts Criminal Law and Procedure Evidence Real Property and Torts. Steve Emanuel--author of the Emanuel Law Outlines and CrunchTime books in the MBE-subject areas--has passed the bar exam in several states (including New York and California) and worked with law students to prepare them for taking the MBE. New to the Eighth Edition: 30 new Civil Procedure questions all recently asked on the MBE and released by examiners with detailed answers by Steve Emanuel More than 100 new actual MBE questions in each of the other MBE subject areas--Constitutional Law Contracts Criminal Law and Procedure Evidence Property and Torts (also with detailed answers by Steve Emanuel) Student will benefit from: Fully explained answers that not only analyze each answer option for each question but also explain doctrines or rules that are necessary for answering the question but that you may not have encountered since your first year in law school Detailed advice on how to handle MBE questions in each of the MBE subject areas Step-by-step strategies for analyzing different question types Tips about how subtle differences in wording can change the meaning of an answer Strategies for rewording questions in your mind to make them easier to analyze More than 670 questions in the MBE topics (Civil Procedure Constitutional Law Contracts Criminal Law and Procedure Evidence Real Property and Torts)--of which more than 635 were asked on past MBEs A complete MBE-style 200-question practice exam with detailed answers

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Last updated
January 31, 2025

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