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Integrated Analytical Systems: Microdroplet Technology: Principles and Emerging Applications in Biology and Chemistry (Hardcover)

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Integrated Analytical Systems: Microdroplet Technology: Principles and Emerging Applications in Biology and Chemistry (Hardcover)
Product Description

Microdroplet technology has recently emerged to provide new and diverse applications via microfluidic functionality especially in various areas of biology and chemistry. This book then gives an overview of the principle components and wide-ranging applications for state-of-the-art of droplet-based microfluidics. Chapter authors are internationally-leading researchers from chemistry biology physics and engineering that present various key aspects of micrdroplet technology -- fundamental flow physics methodology and components for flow control applications in biology and chemistry and a discussion of future perspectives. This book acts as a reference for academics post-graduate students and researcher wishing to deepen their understand of microfluidics and introduce optimal design and operation of new droplet-based microfluidic devices for more comprehensive analyte assessments.

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March 4, 2025

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