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Global Environmental Studies: The Dilemma of Boundaries (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Global Environmental Studies: The Dilemma of Boundaries (Hardcover)
Product Description

Water circulates continuously and seamlessly on Earth with little regard for the boundaries we draw. There are natural boundaries as between land and ocean and surface and subsurface environments as well as human or demographic boundaries between nations cultures and religions. Although considered necessary by societies these human-created boundaries disrupt natural water circulation leading to serious water-related environmental problems. The dilemma of how to manage water beyond our boundaries remains and nations have different ways and means of controlling each form of water whether as vapor surface water groundwater or seawater. Recent findings on the interaction of water from land oceans and the atmosphere encourage researchers to undertake collaborative work that goes beyond the boundaries of each discipline be it oceanography surface and subsurface hydrology climatology or glaciology. Drawing on all these fields the book focuses on two major boundaries: that between surface water and ground water and that between terrestrial water and ocean water. This comprehensive work is of great value to experts in academia international organizations consulting firms water resources fisheries and urban development planning agencies.

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March 4, 2025

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