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Enoz Fly Swatter Wire Handled Plastic Fly Swatter Assorted Colors 2 Ct

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Product Name
Enoz Fly Swatter Wire Handled Plastic Fly Swatter Assorted Colors 2 Ct
Product Description

Don t spray em... Swat em! The Enoz Fly Swatter features a sturdy durable wire handle and a flexible plastic head for easily taking down those unwanted house guests. Flyswatters are the environmentally conscious effective and inexpensive method to control flying insects around your home. Most flying insects have sensory hairs on their bodies that can feel changes in air pressure and detect solid objects moving towards them. Enoz Flyswatters have a vented design that allows quick movement through the air to hit fast moving insects easily. Take action against unwanted pests in your home with the help of an Enoz Fly Swatter.

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Last updated
December 28, 2024

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