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Foundations of Sport Management Managing High Performance Sport (Paperback)

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Product Name
Foundations of Sport Management Managing High Performance Sport (Paperback)
Product Description

How can managers design and implement effective high performance programmes in sport? What are the key challenges in managing elite athletes sports people and teams? This is the first book to provide a comprehensive introduction to management practice process and policy in elite and high performance sport (HPS). Drawing on real-world case-studies of elite sport around the world the book shows a conceptual framework for studying and analysing high performance sport and introduces the skills and techniques that managers and administrators will need to develop effective HPS programmes. The book examines the macro level factors that determine a nation s sporting success including political social and cultural elements and then moves on to unpack the specifics of elite athlete and team management at a micro level. Adopting an integrated holistic approach throughout the book highlights best practice in every key area of an HPS programme including: defining performance and success organizational structure and leadership finance funding and marketing coaching and coach development talent identification and development competition and events training and facilities scientific research and sport science support. The book features contributions from world-leading sport management academics as well as practitioners with experience of managing HPS programmes at world and Olympic level. Each chapter includes a full range of useful features such as summaries case-studies review questions and guides to further reading. This is essential reading for all serious students and professionals working in sport management or high performance sport.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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