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Glucose Revolution : The Life-Changing Power of Balancing Your Blood Sugar (Paperback)

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Glucose Revolution : The Life-Changing Power of Balancing Your Blood Sugar (Paperback)
Product Description

USA TODAY BESTSELLER * WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER * INSTANT INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER Improve all areas of your health from your sleep cravings mood energy skin weight and even slow down aging with simple and accessible science-based hacks (Michael Mosley MD #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Fast Diet) to manage your blood sugar levels while still eating the foods you love. Glucose or blood sugar is a tiny molecule in our body that has a huge impact on our health. It enters our bloodstream through the starchy or sweet foods we eat. Ninety percent of us suffer from too much glucose in our system--and most of us don t know it. The symptoms? Cravings fatigue infertility hormonal issues acne wrinkles. And over time the development of conditions like type 2 diabetes polycystic ovarian syndrome cancer dementia and heart disease. Drawing on cutting-edge science and her own pioneering research biochemist Jessie Inchauspé offers ten simple surprising hacks to help you balance your glucose levels and reverse your symptoms--without going on a diet or giving up the foods you love. For example: -What small change to your breakfast will unlock energy and cut your cravings -How eating foods in the right order will make you lose weight effortlessly -What secret ingredient will allow you to eat dessert and still go into fat-burning mode Both entertaining informative and packed with the latest scientific data this book presents a new way to think about better health. Glucose Revolution is chock-full of tips that can drastically and immediately improve your life whatever your dietary preferences.

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Last updated
February 19, 2025

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