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Magnet Works Smile High Pumpkin Halloween Mailwrap - Magnetic Mailbox Cover

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Product Name
Magnet Works Smile High Pumpkin Halloween Mailwrap - Magnetic Mailbox Cover
Product Description

Magnet Works Smile High Pumpkin Halloween Mailwrap - Magnetic Mailbox Cover. MailWraps The Original Magnetic Mailbox Cover. All-Weather Vinyl Fade Resistant. Reusable. Ant-Theft Locking Strips. Made In USA. Standard Size: 6.5 Wide x 19 Long. Decorate your mailbox for every occasion! Easy to apply vinyl address numbers included. Pre-cut to fit standard size mailboxes: MailWraps mailbox cover is pre-cut to accommodate the latches and flag location on most standard size mailboxes. If the flag location on your mailbox is different it may be necessary to trim the mailbox cover for a proper fit. In this case use common household scissors. Adaptor Kit for plastic mailboxes: Optional adaptor kit (sold separately) that makes it easy to use MailWraps magnetic mailbox covers on plastic mailboxes. Just peel off the self-adhesive backing to attach a magnetic receiver strip to each side of your plastic mailbox. Your MailWraps cover then sticks just a s if the mailbox were made of steel.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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