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Ipac Public Management and Governance: Overpromising and Underperforming?: Understanding and Evaluating New Intergovernmental Accountability Regimes (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Ipac Public Management and Governance: Overpromising and Underperforming?: Understanding and Evaluating New Intergovernmental Accountability Regimes (Hardcover)
Product Description

Public reporting has been used experimentally in federal-provincial relations since the mid-1990s as an accountability mechanism to promote policy effectiveness intergovernmental cooperation and democratic legitimacy. Our understanding of how well it is working however remains limited to very specific policy sectors - even though this information is essential to policy makers in Canada and beyond. Overpromising and Underperforming? offers a deeper analysis of the use of new accountability mechanisms paying particular attention to areas in which federal spending power is used. This is the first volume to specifically analyse the accountability features of Canadian intergovernmental agreements and to do so systematically across policy sectors. Drawing on the experiences of other federal systems and multilevel governance structures the contributors investigate how public reporting has been used in various policy fields and the impact it has had on policy-making and intergovernmental relations.

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March 9, 2025

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