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Virtue & Vice (Hardcover) by David S Goyer

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Product Name
Virtue & Vice (Hardcover) by David S Goyer
Product Description

9781563899379. New condition. Hard cover. Language: English. Pages: 93. Sewn binding. Cloth over boards. 93 p. Contains: Illustrations. Intended for a young adult/teenage audience. It s the one you ve been waiting for people! The assembled Justice League of America in a world-shaking adventure with the combined Justice Society of America. It s an all-out slugfest so colossal in proportions that only a 96-page hardcover could contain it! Villains from the rich histories of both groups hatch a insidious scheme that lays the heroes and the world they defend to waste. But of course these are no ordinary heroes... What started as a friendly get-together between the JLA and JSA degenerates into a destructive melee...and from the ashes emerges a villainous uber-team made up of members from each group. What s made these former heroes of virtue turn into champions of sin? And who can possibly stop them once they get really mad? Now it s up to the remaining members of both teams to save the day...but they ll have to defeat their own friends to do it!

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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