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Bioage - Stretch Marks Reducer Serum with High Hyaluronic Acid Concentration After Breast Surgery Postpartum With Renewal Effect raises the productions of collagen LIPOREDUX

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Product Name
Bioage - Stretch Marks Reducer Serum with High Hyaluronic Acid Concentration After Breast Surgery Postpartum With Renewal Effect raises the productions of collagen LIPOREDUX
Product Description

LIPO REDUX CONCENTRATED SERUM ANTI STRETCH MARKS ✔ With moisturizing nourishing and renewing action Anti Stretch. ✔Marks Concentrated Serum (also known as Power dose Anti-Stretch Marks) possesses potent formula with assets in very high concentrations that help stimulate the synthesis of fibronectin allowing Progressive stretch attenuation providing a significant improvement in the skin.. ✔Act in prevention and reduction of the depth of pre-existing stretch marks making them softer visibly. ✔Help to prevent stretch marks in postpartum increase in weight adolescence and cosmetic surgery as in the placement of breast prosthesis. ✔Can be associated with micro needling. ✔Green formula Assets: Bio-Nano Slim OPC Hyaluronic Acid Elastonyl Regestryl Glyco Repair

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Last updated
December 4, 2024

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