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Nintendo Metroid Fusion GBA

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Product Name
Nintendo Metroid Fusion GBA
Product Description

Metroid Fusion is a side-scrolling action/adventure game with an intriguing sci-fi storyline and stunning graphics. Controlling a bounty hunter named Samus Aran, players explore vast futuristic environments in a mission to destroy an army of deadly parasites. Metroid Fusion expertly mixes action and adventure elements to create a rich, highly stylized gaming experience. Like the original Metroid titles, Samus begins the game in a weak state and must locate power-ups to slowly become stronger. Almost everything Samus uses is upgradeable, including bombs, missiles, suits and the arm cannon. In addition to the old favorites, Metroid Fusion delivers several new power-ups as well. An engrossing story, great graphics and perfected play control combine to make Metroid Fusion one of the greatest platform games available on any system. Toss Samus into the mix, and you're looking at an instant classic.

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Last updated
February 7, 2025

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