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Tech 21 SansAmp Bass Driver DI - Version 2

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Product Name
Tech 21 SansAmp Bass Driver DI - Version 2
Product Description

The Tech 21 SansAmp Bass Driver DI - Version 2 is an advanced direct box that offers much more than simple signal transmission. This versatile unit allows musicians to create a variety of sounds, including vintage tube tones, bright slap bass, and gritty distortions. With three different outputs available, you can easily connect to power amps, recording desks, or PA mixers, enhancing any existing setup. The controls include a Presence knob for additional definition and harmonics, a Blend knob to mix direct signal with SansAmp effects, and an active EQ specifically optimized for bass, providing up to 12dB of cut or boost.

As five- and six-string basses gain popularity, the SansAmp Bass Driver DI has adapted to meet these needs, incorporating a switch that adjusts the bass frequency to cater to lower register tones. Additional features include a mid-range control with a frequency switch, offering musicians even more sound-shaping options. The unit maintains the integrity of its original design while allowing for a wide array of traditional bass amp sounds, from classic models like the Bassman and SVT to more aggressive overdriven effects that generally require multiple devices. Designed for both studio and live performance, this device features an effected XLR output, an effected 1/4 output, and a parallel unaffected 1/4 output. The included footswitch activates the Tube Amplifier Emulation circuitry, which can be disengaged to utilize the SansAmp Bass Driver DI as a standard active transparent direct box. This flexibility makes it a perfect tool for bassists seeking rich tones and robust sound control.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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