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HIV Prevention and Bisexual Realities (Hardcover)

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Product Name
HIV Prevention and Bisexual Realities (Hardcover)
Product Description

Why is there so little HIV education at present directed towards bisexual men and women? This book offers a critical analysis of the issues in public health research and education that prevent adequate attention from being paid to bisexual realities. Addressing the implications of such limited knowledge the authors raise important questions about the weaknesses of our current response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Through interviews with a variety of bisexual men and women HIV Prevention and Bisexual Realities uncovers innovative important directions to consider for more effective HIV prevention strategies. The authors epistemological and methodological assessments of the current state of HIV/AIDS education will be indispensable for community health educators policy makers and those who study or work in public health.

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Last updated
February 17, 2025

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