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Images of America: Chicago's Monuments, Markers and Memorials (Paperback)

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Images of America: Chicago's Monuments, Markers and Memorials (Paperback)
Product Description

Chicago is a city that is filled with history. In nearly every neighborhood monuments, markers, and memorials have been erected to commemorate this history. It is safe to say that Chicago has one of the richest collections of such commemorations to be found anywhere in the world. While many of these works were completed by local or virtually unknown artists, others were created by world renowned artists, architects, and sculptors, including Pablo Picasso, Lorado Taft, Louis Sullivan, and Augustus Saint-Gaudens. Whether they commemorate events like the Haymarket Riot, captains of industry like Marshall Field, sports heroes like Michael Jordan, or famous politicians like early Chicago mayor John Wentworth, each of Chicago's monuments, markers, and memorials has an interesting story to tell.

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September 24, 2024

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