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Detox Formula 60 Vegan Capsules Vital Nutrients

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Product Name
Detox Formula 60 Vegan Capsules Vital Nutrients
Product Description

Detox Formula is a unique combination of nutrients designed to promote healthy liver function. The formula contains conditionally essential amino acids utilized in the body’s detoxification pathways as well as herbs that help maintain liver health. The precursors of glutathione are included as well as natural sources of sulfur which support detoxification enzyme activity. The high antioxidant content supports the body’s natural defense systems. Vital Nutrients is dedicated to manufacturing high-quality supplements that promote general health and vitality. Our stringent standards and extensive laboratory analyses have led to our supplements being used and trusted by hospitals healthcare practitioners and consumers worldwide. Nothing is more important than the quality of our supplements. Vital Nutrients products may help support specific health concerns as well as complement an existing healthy lifestyle. And because we independently test each and every raw material and finished product at U.S. labs purity and potency can be guaranteed in every capsule.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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