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BODY JEWELRY Surgical Stainless Steel 16 Gauge Red Acrylic Fake Plugs

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Product Name
BODY JEWELRY Surgical Stainless Steel 16 Gauge Red Acrylic Fake Plugs
Product Description

These unique and fashionable Body Magic plugs are a new take on a modern classic tradition. While these styled plugs can be worn in just about any stretched piercing they are most commonly placed in the earlobe. The 16-gauge pins on these plugs are made from 316L surgical grade stainless steel that will not corrode while the fake plug ends are crafted from red acrylic which helps avoid irritation at the piercing site. A rainbow design highlights the ends of each plug while the centers are made from red acrylic. The black O-rings are replaceable. This whimsical design is versatile enough to go with almost any outfit. For best results after a body piercing be sure to keep the piercing site clean and dry. Do not change the jewelry in your piercing until the wound has fully healed. Once the piercing has fully healed be sure to keep the jewelry clean by wiping it regularly with a soft jewelry cloth.

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Last updated
March 5, 2025

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