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Food and Nutritional Components in Focus: Isoflavones: Chemistry Analysis Function and Effects (Hardcover)

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Food and Nutritional Components in Focus: Isoflavones: Chemistry Analysis Function and Effects (Hardcover)
Product Description

Isoflavones remain the subject of many scientific studies most of which reveal them to have some health benefits. Coverage within this book begins with an overview of phytoestrogens in health and plants with specific reference to isoflavones how isoflavones are found in the diet and novel compounds in nuts. Expert accounts of the chemical and biochemical research on this topic are provided followed by analytical and bioanalytical assessments. Rounding up the book are the chapters on function and effects of isoflavones which provide details on isoflavones in beverages soy and soy products and other food delivery systems and how their function effects the thyroid menopause prostate breast bone and cardiovascular disease to name but a few. This extensive and detailed book will appeal across the disciplines providing a snapshot of this fascinating subject.

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March 4, 2025

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