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Love Revolution : Con Once Poemas En Espanol (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Love Revolution : Con Once Poemas En Espanol (Hardcover)
Product Description

Love Revolution presents a collection of poems by Robert Tinajero. Divided into five sections (three major and two smaller) Tinajero s verses explore a wide range of topics situations and emotions particularly focusing on various types of love. Some excerpts from poems: this is my apology poem God i m sorry for having written so many poems and so few praising you the love-armies assembled but i did not enlist i m tired of soft poems today i want my words to jump up and stab a racist cop put on gloves sweat and bruise and bleed help a migrant pick a thorny crop so what kind of bullets are you putting in your gun america? if i m hanging around the wrong ol town i m a spic BR> can i be american? i m trying to put into words the poetry that drips from your body may God bless me with my own nancy Reagan maybe everywhere is in the middle of nowhere maybe it s all just physics what street will be the last one my casket rolls through pero la realidad es el amor no es únicamente la belleza los eróticos fuegos en los cielos estrellados de Neruda ¿qué sabía yo de la viscosidad del amor?

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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