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Similac Alimentum With 2 -FL HMO Ready-to-Feed Baby Formula 32-fl-oz Bottle

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Product Name
Similac Alimentum With 2 -FL HMO Ready-to-Feed Baby Formula 32-fl-oz Bottle
Product Description

Similac Alimentum infant formula with 2 -FL HMO is the first and only hypoallergenic baby formula with 2 -FL HMO. It starts reducing colic symptoms due to protein sensitivity in most babies within 24 hours.* * Based on a clinical study with Alimentum Ready to Feed without DHA ARA 2 -FL HMO lutein and beta-carotene. A crossover clinical study of infants experiencing colic symptoms due to cow’s milk protein sensitivity showed 5 of 6 infants initiated on Alimentum during the first week achieved a reduction in excessive crying. Data on File Study AC84 August 2004. Abbott Nutrition Columbus Ohio. † The WIC (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women Infants and Children) and SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) names are service marks of the US Department of Agriculture. USDA does not endorse any goods services or enterprises. Requires WIC state medical documentation form. WIC state approval is subject to change check with your WIC agency on availability

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Last updated
December 19, 2024

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