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Journey to the Heart of Darkness: Remembering Congo s Forgotten (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Journey to the Heart of Darkness: Remembering Congo s Forgotten (Hardcover)
Product Description

Trésor Yenyi was born in Eastern Congo in 1983 at the peak of Mobutu s reign. Not realizing he was witnessing history in the making he was helpless as he observed the country slide first into chaos then into its grave-the victim of looting war and corruption. It was only after he immigrated to the United States that he realized the depth of the destruction that had occurred and began nurturing a strong desire to return to his native country to search for a cure for the disease from which Congo suffers. In his compelling travel narrative Yenyi details his return trips to Congo his subsequent charitable work and the heartbreaking stories of the country s victims of war. While providing the voiceless a chance to speak through him Yenyi reveals the humanitarian challenges of Congo and combines his life experiences with journal entries-creating an introspective glimpse into a world where child soldiers rape victims street children and AIDS orphans are the realities of life. Trésor Yenyi has a dream-that the troubled land of his ancestors will find peace once again. It is with this great hope for the future of his homeland that Yenyi remembers Congo s forgotten.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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