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Dsm-5-Tr(r) Made Easy: The Clinician s Guide to Diagnosis (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Dsm-5-Tr(r) Made Easy: The Clinician s Guide to Diagnosis (Hardcover)
Product Description

Fully updated for the DSM-5 Text Revision (DSM-5-TR) this trusted guide presents the breadth of DSM diagnoses in an accessible engaging and clinically useful format. Master diagnostician James Morrison demystifies the dense DSM-5-TR criteria with more than 130 detailed case vignettes that illustrate typical patient presentations. Succinct descriptions of each disorder along with many tips sidebars tables and caveats capture the intricacies of psychiatric symptoms and impairments to make accurate diagnosis cleaner and simpler. For DSM-5-TR Morrison has incorporated the new diagnosis of prolonged grief disorder updates to over 70 criteria sets new and revised ICD-10-CM codes and vignettes for additional subtypes. See also Morrison s Diagnosis Made Easier Third Edition which offers principles and decision trees for integrating diagnostic information from multiple sources.

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March 4, 2025

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