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With the original X-Men captured Professor X recruits an all-new all-different team to take on the mantle of the Uncanny X-Men! Including Wolverine Storm Colossus Nightcrawler Banshee Sunfire and Thunderbird this new international cast redefined super hero teams forever. The transition from old team to new won t come easy though: Wolverine and Cyclops clash! X-Man battles X-Man! Death and rebirth visit the team! And an old nemesis returns! Plus: the first hints of Alpha Flight and the Weapon X program the first outer space saga with the Starjammers and rare early X-Men adventures! With comic book titans Chris Claremont Dave Cockrum and John Byrne at the helm the X-Men s rise to the peak of popularity starts here! Collecting GIANT-SIZE X-MEN #1; X-MEN (1963) #94-110; MARVEL TEAM-UP (1972) #53 #69-70 and ANNUAL #1; IRON FIST (1975) #14-15; and material from F.O.O.M. #10.

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Last updated
February 25, 2025

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