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GB 79-203 Poly-Gel Cable-Pulling Lubricant Water Based Non-Toxic

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Product Name
GB 79-203 Poly-Gel Cable-Pulling Lubricant Water Based Non-Toxic
Product Description

Poly-Gel Cable-Pulling Lubricant Water Based Non-Toxic Non-Hardening Formula +28 deg F to +200 deg F Blue 5 gal. Pail79-203Reach for Gardner Bender Poly-Gel when you begin your next cable pulling project. Perfect for all types of insulation and conduit including fiber-optic cable cable with low-density linear low-density polyethylene polyurethane and semi-conducting jackets this water-based clean blue gel will not gum-up or harden on conduit and dries to a clear non-conductive semi-fluid film for easy handling stripping and terminating of the cable. You choose your application method; manually or with a pump and this non-toxic non-corrosive and non-staining formula will get the job done. Standard poly-gel handles applications in weather conditions from 28 deg F to +200 deg F (for temperatures down to -10 deg F look for our All Season Poly-Gel formula MFG# 79-301). Product is blue in color and offers a thick clear gel viscosity with a pH of 7.2 - 8.2. With an indefinite shelf life this lubricant will always be ready for the job at hand. 5 gallon pail weighs 42 lbsNon-staining non-toxic clear gel formula is water-based for easy soap and water cleanupDries to a clear non-conductive semi-fluid film for easy handling stripping and terminating of cableWill not gum up or harden on conduitEasy and versatile to use; apply manually or with pumpWorkable over wide temperature range: - Poly-Gel +28 deg F to +200 deg F5 gallon pail weighs 42 lbs

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Last updated
February 23, 2025

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