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Loctite Super Glue Gel Control Pack of 1 Clear 4 g Bottle

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Product Name
Loctite Super Glue Gel Control Pack of 1 Clear 4 g Bottle
Product Description

Loctite Super Glue Gel Control is a powerful adhesive designed for quick and durable repairs around the home or office. This clear gel formula is specially made to outperform ordinary super glues thanks to a unique additive that enhances its strength and speed. It effectively bonds various porous and non-porous materials, making it perfect for different surfaces and vertical applications. The easy side-squeeze design ensures maximum control, allowing for precise application without the mess of dripping or running glue.

Fast drying time is one of the standout features of Loctite Super Glue Gel Control, drying in just 30 to 45 seconds. It offers great resistance to moisture, most chemicals, and freezing temperatures, making it suitable for various conditions. However, it should not be used on materials like Styrofoam, silicone rubber, or in high-heat areas like dishwashers and microwaves. Ideal for both DIY enthusiasts and professionals, this versatile glue works exceptionally well with materials including leather, cork, paper, wood, metal, ceramic, rubber, and different plastics such as acrylic and PVC. The product comes in a 4 g bottle, providing a reliable solution for all your bonding needs.

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Last updated
March 11, 2025

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