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K&H Ultimate Stock Tank De-Icer

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Product Name
K&H Ultimate Stock Tank De-Icer
Product Description

The K&H Ultimate Stock Tank Deicer line from K&H Pet Products has reinvented the wheel when it comes to keeping fresh water available in the winter. Every K&H de-icer is safe in all stock tanks unlike nearly all of the other de-icers available in the market today. No expensive shrouds or cages need be purchased either. Every one of our de-icers can be used as a floating de-icer out of the box or in seconds converts to a submersible de-icer with the click of a button. In the past all that was readily available were energy gulping 1000 watt to 1500 watt de-icers; Customers had no choice but to purchase these expensive to run de-icers even when they didn’t need it. We’ve solved this problem by creating a whole line of de-icers along with a convenient zone chart for you to choose the correct de-icer every time. A free cord safety clip is also included with every de-icer. This ingenious clip secures the de-icer to the edge of the stock tank bucket or container to help prevent chewing cribbing or removal of the de-icer from the tank. When it comes to fresh water K&H Ultimate Stock Tank Deicer is the choice that makes cents. Please be sure to review the zone chart to choose the correct de-icer for your application and climate.

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Last updated
February 20, 2025

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