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Application Security for the Android Platform: Processes Permissions and Other Safeguards (Paperback)

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Application Security for the Android Platform: Processes Permissions and Other Safeguards (Paperback)
Product Description

With the Android platform fast becoming a target of malicious hackers application security is crucial. This concise book provides the knowledge you need to design and implement robust rugged and secure apps for any Android device. You ll learn how to identify and manage the risks inherent in your design and work to minimize a hacker s opportunity to compromise your app and steal user data. How is the Android platform structured to handle security? What services and tools are available to help you protect data? Up until now no single resource has provided this vital information. With this guide you ll learn how to address real threats to your app whether or not you have previous experience with security issues. Examine Android s architecture and security model and how it isolates the filesystem and database Learn how to use Android permissions and restricted system APIs Explore Android component types and learn how to secure communications in a multi-tier app Use cryptographic tools to protect data stored on an Android device Secure the data transmitted from the device to other parties including the servers that interact with your app

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March 4, 2025

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