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Cryptograms to Keep You Sharp (Paperback)

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Cryptograms to Keep You Sharp (Paperback)
Product Description

Exercise your brain while you uncover some pithy food for thought. Cryptograms are substitution codes--every letter in the code has been replaced by some other letter; you try to find which letters stand for which others. Every cryptogram has a different substitution system. Some hints: Start with the shortest words. Break down long words into prefixes or suffixes. Look for word containing an apostrophe. A chart gives you hints for three letters in each puzzle. The more you solve the better you get. It s like this: UKG JBPA UBBJ VITY AB PFAHCG HY WKP LBTPAW FYJ UHWK AIRK WHY DOES WOOD BURN SO EASILY IN THE FOREST AND WITH SUCH JHLLHRICWG HY BIT LHTPMCFRP? DIFFICULTY IN OUR FIREPLACE? Get smarter and wiser at the same time!

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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