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Kokology : More of the Game of Self-Discovery (Paperback)

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Product Name
Kokology : More of the Game of Self-Discovery (Paperback)
Product Description

The bestselling Japanese phenomenon Kokology is the addictive and fun pop-quiz game that uses proven psychological principles to reveal your hidden attitudes about sex family love work and more.Introducing Kokology--the fascinating addictive pop-psych quiz game that reveals the surprising real you. Created by a famous Japanese psychologist kokology is the study of kokoro ( mind or spirit in Japanese). Based on sound psychological principles Kokology asks you to answer questions about seemingly innocent topics--such as the color of an imaginary bird that has flown in your window--and then reveals what your answers say about you. Kokology offers a unique approach to self-discovery and when played with others can provide hilarious insight into the you that they never knew.

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Last updated
March 7, 2025

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