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Please Tell : A Child s Story About Sexual Abuse (Paperback)

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Product Name
Please Tell : A Child s Story About Sexual Abuse (Paperback)
Product Description

Written and illustrated by a girl who was sexually molested by a family member this book reaches out to other children by carrying Jessie s message It s o.k. to tell; help can come when you tell. Written and illustrated by a young girl who was sexually molested by a family member this book reaches out to other children in a way that no adult can Jessie s words carry the message It s o.k. to tell; help can come when you tell. This book is an excellent tool for therapists counselors child protection workers teachers and parents dealing with children affected by sexual abuse.Jessie s story adds a sense of hope for what should be and the knowledge that the child protection system can work for children. Simple direct and from the heart Jessie gives children the permission and the courage to deal with sexual abuse. Please Tell! is a beautifully simple book with a profoundly important message for children who have been sexually abused: the abuse wasn t their fault. Written and illustrated by Jessie herself a pre-teen survivor of sexual abuse it tells kids just what to do to get the help they need. Kristin A. Kunzman abuse therapist and author of The Healing Way: Adult Recovery from Childhood Sexual Abuse

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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