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Raw Talent (Paperback)

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Raw Talent (Paperback)
Product Description

The first publication of Raw Talent created an extraordinary flurry of publicity. Jerry Butler appeared on dozens of talk shows capturing audiences with his intensity and charm. Reviews of the book lauded Butler s honesty and remarked on the double standard that permits explicit violence on film - but not explicit sex. The book sold out four printings; nonetheless reactions within the adult film industry included heated debate and an unofficial blacklisting of Butler.The former star of X-rated films and winner of many awards Jerry Butler wrote the book that many warned would finish him in the business that had rewarded him with money and fame. But it is characteristic of Butler that these warnings didn t prevent him from producing this devastatingly honest appraisal of the adult film trade - and of himself. For while Butler is frankly critical of an industry that treats actors and actresses like throw-away props and allows unprotected sex in the age of AIDS he reserves his most candid commentary for himself. Raw Talent tells the story of Butler s erotic voyage from average child to sex star. The epilogue added to this new edition answers the question: Where will Jerry go from here?

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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