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My Story as Told by Water: Confessions Druidic Rants Reflections Bird-Watchings Fish-Stalkings Visions Songs and Prayers Refracting Light from Living Rivers in the Age of the Ind (Paperback)

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My Story as Told by Water: Confessions Druidic Rants Reflections Bird-Watchings Fish-Stalkings Visions Songs and Prayers Refracting Light from Living Rivers in the Age of the Ind (Paperback)
Product Description

In this remarkable collection of essays acclaimed author David James Duncan braids his contemplative rhapsodic and activist voices together into a potently distinctive whole speaking with power and urgency about the vital connections between our water-filled bodies and this water-covered planet. All twenty-two pieces in this collection swirl and eddy around his early-forged bond with the rivers of the Pacific Northwest and their endangered native salmon. With a bracing blend of story science and comedy Duncan relates mystical life-changing adventures; draws incisive portraits of the humans and wild creatures who shaped his destiny; rips the corporate greed and political folly that have brought whole ecosystems to ruin; and meditates on the spiritual and practical necessity of acknowledging our dependence on water in its primal state.

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March 4, 2025

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